Travel Expenses

On these pages you will find instructions to request reimbursement for any costs related to Masterlanguage.

Student travel expenses

If you do not own a student travel card but need to travel for your Masterlanguage course, we will reimburse your expenses. You need to do this after the end of your course for all expenses at once. Masterlanguage only reimburses 2nd class train tickets.

You can find instructions to request reimbursement on this page. Make sure to read them carefully, because the Masterlanguage office will only refund complete requests.

Make sure you save your train tickets while following your course. If you travel with an OV chip card, you can create an expense overview online.

Please note:  The burden of proof rests with you, the claimant. This means it is your responsibility to ensure you can submit all your train tickets and the overviews of the costs incurred.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Instructions for requesting travel reimbursement

  • Firstly, please contact us to request the ‘WBS element’ that belongs to your course. You need this to fill in the expense claim form.
  • Find the expense claim form on
  • Fill in the WBS element and as ‘email address contact person’ our email address:
  • Choose as expense type specification: ‘travel and accomodation domestic’
  • In ‘Remarks,’  fill in the name of your Masterlanguage course and the year and semester.
  • Upload your digital receipts/2nd class train tickets/OV chip card expense overview. Make sure you fill in the rows with the separate claims in the same order as the digital receipts!