This page provides information on the structure of the Masterlanguage organisation: the participating institutions, the steering committee, the programme council and the language sections.
▪ Radboud University | German, Engelish, French, Greek & Latin, Dutch, Spanish |
▪ University of Groningen | Duits, English, French, Italian, Greek & Latin, Dutch, Spanish |
▪ Leiden University | Duits, English, French, Grieek & Latin, Italian, Dutch, Spanish |
▪ Utrecht Universiteit | German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish |
▪ University of Amsterdam | German, English, French, Greek & Latin, Italian, Dutch, Spanish |
▪ Vrije Universiteit | English, French, Greek & Latin, Dutch, Spanish |
The Masterlanguage programme council coordinates the development of the Masterlanguage course range. The council consists of a national coordinator and the seven language section chairs:
▪prof. dr. Norbert Corver | UU, national coördinator |
▪dr. Yvonne Delhey | RU, language section chair German Duits |
▪dr. Kees Dekker | RUG, language section chair English |
▪prof. dr. Jenny Doetjes | UL, language sectionchair French |
▪mr. dr. Rutger Allan | VU, language section chair Greek-Latin |
▪Prof. dr. Philiep Bossier | UU, language section chair Italian |
▪dr. Suzanne Aalberse | RUG, language section chair Dutch |
▪prof. dr. Helena Houvenaghel | UU, language section Spanish |
There are seven national language sections, one per participating language. Every section is responsible for the national education programme. A subject team consists of lecturers from the participating study programmes and is chaired by the national target language coordinator.
dr. Yvonne Delhey, RU (chair)
dr. Anna Seidl, UvA
dr. Wolfgang Kehrein, RUG
dr. Stefan Sudhoff, UU
prof. dr. Anthonya Visser, UL
dr. Kees Dekker, RUG (chair)
prof. dr. Janet Grijzenhout, UL
dr. Kristine Johanson, UvA
dr. Olaf Koeneman, RU
prof. dr. Diederik Oostdijk, VU
dr. Marcelle Cole, UU
prof. dr. Jenny Doetjes, UL (chair)
prof. dr. Alicia Montoya, RU
prof. dr. Jelle Koopmans, UvA
prof. dr. Henriette de Swart, UU
dr. Jeanette den Toonder, RUG
dr. Marjolein van Tooren, VU
Prof. dr. Philiep Bossier UU (chair)
dr. Maria Urban UvA
dr. Claudio di Felice UL
dr. Alberto Godioli RUG
Classical languages
mr. dr. Rutger Allan, VU (chair)
prof. dr. André Lardinois, RU
prof. dr. Irene de Jong, UvA
prof. dr. Ruurd Nauta, RUG
prof. dr. Ineke Sluiter, UL
prof. dr. Els Rose, UU
dr. Suzanne Aalberse, UvA (chair)
drof. dr. Jos Joosten, RU
dr. Marjo van Koppen, UU
dr. Luuk Lagerwerf, VU
dr. Geert Warnar, UL
dr. Sander Bax, TU
dr. Sandra van Voorst, RUG
prof. dr. Helena Houvenaghel, UU (chair)
dr. Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto, UL
dr. Gijs Mulder, RU
prof. dr. Shelley Godsland, UvA
dr. Konstantin Mierau, RUG